high performing teams

We help create organisations where people’s hearts are in their work.

Strengthen bonds, increase engagement, deliver innovation and tangible change – fast!

Teamwork: the ultimate competitive advantage

Gallup discovered that 87% of employees worldwide are disengaged. Disengagement means dysfunctional teams and mediocre performance. In contrast highly engaged, committed teams are a winning formula that sets an organisation apart from its competitors.

Maybe in your team a lack of trust makes people secretive and protective over their budgets and responsibilities? Or perhaps they sidestep conflict – leading to a lack of openness and honest feedback? Creating a team firing on all cylinders requires commitment and dedication by each and every member. Nurturing a cohesive, committed team that plays to everyone’s strengths fosters a positive environment where all members thrive – leading to better results.

Teamwork remains the ultimate competitive advantage: “Not finance. Not strategy. Not technology. It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare’’ writes Patrick Lencioni in The Five Dysfunctions of a Team.

How capable are your team leaders of building collaborative, trustworthy and engaged teams that perform to their full potential? Our team and leadership services are designed to help your teams strengthen bonds, increase levels of engagement and deliver innovation and tangible change – fast!

Join us for a Friday espresso

Sign up to explore team leadership and behaviours in our monthly Friday espressocast over Zoom. Access exclusive blogs, webinars, podcasts and more.

What we can offer you

Team assessment

Our range of team assessment tools includes industry-standard tools and our proprietary HEARTMATH toolkit.

The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™

An assessment toolkit to measure a team against the behaviours of TRUST, CONFLICT, COMMITMENT, ACCOUNTABILITY and RESULTS.

Everything DiSC

A personality profiling tool available for leaders, managers and staff. Team profiles are also available.


Developed in-house by Change corp, HEARTMATH measures staff engagement levels against MEANING, EMOTION, SHARING, CO-CREATION and WELL-BEING.

Offsite design and facilitation

Designed to significantly impact your culture with a single event.

We work with your teams to design an offsite or retreat that strengthens bonds and competitiveness. Very often these off-sites are used to feedback the results of prior assessments and fully engage with teams to design their own collective action plans.

We’ll design, facilitate and help steer each event, ensuring they deliver engagement, motivation and achievable team action plans.

Discuss a team assessment / offsite / coaching and development

Get in touch to discuss assessment. Just one team event can spark change for your organisation.

Assess potential in your teams and unlock it with an offsite. Tailor coaching for leaders and develop highly effective teams.

Book a strategy call

Get in touch to schedule a call.

Uncover potential for team change through a no obligation one hour discovery-driven strategy call.

Together we’ll identify the key elements to enable high performing teams, increased efficiency, productivity and profits.

Find out how tailored consultancy can release the power of your teams.

Targeted development and coaching programmes

At off-sites, skill and behavioural gaps are often identified for Team Leaders and their teams. We help you identify specific skills and insights that will propel you forward.

We’ve designed and delivered many thought-provoking and challenging learning programmes. We use the latest digital tools to design blended learning delivered on-line, boosted by meaningful face to face interventions.

Following up with regular coaching can make all the difference to sustained, long-term transfer of learning and engagement of your team.